The New Facebook

I hate to say it but I sort of predicted it.  When you have a history like Facebook, the inevitable is that the new product will be incorporated – like it or not!  After all, Facebook is a free social tool and we really don’t have a say on how they run things.  It is not our business.


However, I have had quite a few friends complain about this as the security is no longer there.  What can I say, when it is recommend by heads of Facebook to remove photos you don’t want viewed, you can only see this as trouble.

But let us look on the bright side.  The Graph Search is an amazing tool.  Basically it has opened up Facebook to anyone who is a member.  Is that a major security breach.  Of course!  I mean – you could find out the CEO of a major company, find out what they like, where they live, and a whole lot more information.  Of course, you may think – “great, I can find out more about a celebrity!” – the fact is – you probably won’t find any more about them than in the local gossip magazines.

However if you are wanting to connect with someone from a company you can just a do a graph search on employees of that company.  And example would be employees of Coca Cola.  Is this a security breach?  I am not sure!  But if Coca Cola makes a policy that their employees are not to mention they work for Coca Cola on Facebook, then you would have to ask – “What about LinkedIn?”

If someone is a little concerned about Social Media then I am afraid to say this but Social Media is about being noticed.  Social Media is about being found.  Otherwise, why become a member?  Most people that join Facebook do so to track a long lost friend.  And then, before you know it, you are part of a online community which is what most businesses are after.  But that is a whole new discussion.

Now if you are wanting to tighten up the hatches just a little, then you can do something by visiting your settings.  I don’t think Facebook would make your whole profile available to everyone without you knowing about it.  However, sad to say, most people don’t know they can lock down some features in their settings, and as a result expose their profile to everyone – like it or not!  So if you are seeking some privacy – they key words here is FACEBOOK SETTINGS!

About hummingbird

Who am I? I think the HummingBird is a perfect from place to place, taking a road less traveled, and living life! To read more about things I see, and places you may be interested in - then visit my blogs. Hope you enjoy the read and thanks for the visit. Don't forget to subscribe! ;) View all posts by hummingbird

3 responses to “The New Facebook

  • chiugookoli

    Nice read. you made a lot of sense and I agree that if you want to get noticed socially and want to make a digital footprint, you don’t have a choice but to let loose a little (it is okay to be a little concerned as things you mention or disclose online can make or break your brand).

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